GivingTuesday Social Media Tips for Nonprofits

GivingTuesday Social Media Tips for Nonprofits

GivingTuesday is just around the corner. This global day of generosity largely takes place online, so it is important for nonprofits to get active on social media. If your nonprofit is looking for ideas to get started, you are in the right place!  This year...
Donation Management Best Practices

Donation Management Best Practices

Every year, nonprofits process millions of donations, raising the question: Is your nonprofit effectively managing donations to benefit your organization? A cohesive strategy for managing donation records is important for positive donor relations and gaining insights...
How to Build a Multichannel Fundraising Campaign

How to Build a Multichannel Fundraising Campaign

Multichannel fundraising campaigns are a great way to elevate your nonprofit’s fundraising. When you reach out to your donors with the same message through multiple channels, their response rate increases. According to one case study, donors who got both direct mail...
Social Media Best Practices for Nonprofits

Social Media Best Practices for Nonprofits

Is your nonprofit active on social media yet? If not, now is the time to get started! According to Nonprofit Source, 55% of people who engage with nonprofits on social media end up taking some sort of action. Social media is a great way to inspire your audience into...
Nonprofit Event Planning: A Complete Guide

Nonprofit Event Planning: A Complete Guide

Nonprofit events are a great opportunity for organizations to raise money and spread awareness about their cause. Events are also important for donor retention, and can help nonprofits connect with potential new members. If planned properly nonprofits can see a wide...
How to Successfully Switch to a New Nonprofit CRM

How to Successfully Switch to a New Nonprofit CRM

Successfully switching to a new nonprofit CRM can feel like a big undertaking. But finding the best CRM solution for your nonprofit will help you in countless ways. You will save hours of administrative time, be able to connect better with your donors, and ultimately...