As the year-end approaches, having the right tools and strategies in place will ensure fundraising success for nonprofits. Whether it’s setting fundraising goals, streamlining donation entry, or enhancing donor stewardship, a CRM like DonorSnap has the tools you need to make your year-end campaign more efficient and impactful.
In this article, we’ll explore 4 ways to optimize your fundraising efforts with DonorSnap and take the stress out of your year-end planning.
Set Up Goals on Your Dashboard
Setting and tracking goals is an important pillar of fundraising success. DonorSnap makes it simple for nonprofits to manage their objectives. As the giving season approaches, consider what your goals are and, if you haven’t already, set them up on your dashboard. You can tailor these goals to be as broad or as specific as you like. For example, you might set an overall year-end goal, a Giving Tuesday goal, or a goal for a specific fund or program.
As an added bonus, you can screenshot your goals and share them with your audience throughout the giving season. Visuals are a powerful tool to motivate additional donations, so consider including them in your emails or social media posts.
Fine-Tune Your Acknowledgments
When you’re writing your appeal letters is the perfect time to refresh your thank you letters as well. While you don’t need to make major changes, it is a good idea to review and update them at least once a year to reflect the current status of your organization.
Also, consider the thank-you process for online donations. In DonorSnap, online donations trigger both a confirmation page and a confirmation email before the official acknowledgment letter is sent. Take time to update these elements to enhance your donor stewardship. Best of all, this process is fully automated, so once it is set up you don’t have to worry about it during the busy giving season. Discover more tips for maximizing the effectiveness of your confirmation pages here.
Save Time with Tools like Mass Entry
Year-end often brings a welcome influx of donations, but processing a high volume can be time-consuming. DonorSnap offers tools to streamline donation entry, such as the mass entry tool, which allows you to quickly enter large batches of checks without needing to navigate through individual records. Learn more about the mass entry tool here.
Collect Online Donations
One of the key benefits of collecting online donations is the time saved in processing them, as well as the fast access to funds. DonorSnap makes it easy to collect online donations with Stripe and our responsive forms. It is super easy to sign up with Stripe if you haven’t already. Once you complete this process you can use our responsive forms tool to build donation forms that will embed directly on your website.
Final Thoughts
A nonprofit CRM like DonorSnap offers numerous benefits, especially as the busy year-end approaches. Now is a great time to let our software ease the administrative burden on you and your team.