
DonorSnap Mobile App

Access your database on the go from your favorite Apple device.

DonorSnap Mobile App is Now Available!

The next time you have a meeting with one of your organization’s donors, be prepared by reviewing their past activity first. Grab your iPhone® or iPad® to quickly see their contact information, donation history, pledges, and notes. While the meeting is going on, snap a picture of them to upload it to their record. Attaching pictures to a contact’s record is an exclusive feature of the DonorSnap Mobile App. After the meeting is over, create a new note to summarize your the important details.

Contact Listing

Search or scroll through your entire list of contacts from the main listing screen.

Contact Detail Screen

Once a contact is clicked on in the listing screen, the Contact Detail screen is loaded. This screen will display all of the visible fields for the user including user defined fields. Expand the group headings by clicking on them to see more.

Donation and Pledge History

See the complete donation and pledge history for your donors by selecting the contact, then clicking the Donation or Pledge tab at the bottom. Click on a donation or pledge record in the listing screen to open up the details of that record.

Adding New Notes on the Fly

While the rest of the mobile app is currently read only, new Notes can be added directly from the app. Click the + icon at the bottom of the notes listing screen to begin composing a new note.

We're On a Mission To Help Grow Your Nonprofit Organization.