Year End Reciepts or Thank You’s
End of Year communication is important for nonprofits and in DonorSnap, you have many options.
Standard Statements
Standard Statements generate one statement per donor for a specific date-range, itemizing each payment with a total at the bottom. These are included in the program and require very little customizing. Can be emailed or printed.

Printed: Reports > Donation Activity > Contribution Statements
Emailed: Processing > Contribution Statement Email
Here are more resources:
Printing Standard Contribution Statements
Emailing Standard Contribution Statements
Standard Contribution Statements overview webinar (30 minutes)
Custom Statements
If you are interested in a more customized statements, created as a Word document that you upload into DonorSnap, you can use the Custom Contribution Statements system. Start with one of DonorSnap’s many different templates. Customized in Microsoft Word, your logo and branding, your personalized letter, your headers & footers, etc. Then upload this template into DonorSnap where you can use it year after year.
Like the standard statements, the custom statement tool generates one statement per donor, listing all payments for that donor with a total at the bottom. Can be emailed or printed.

To Upload your Statement: Processing > Documents > Upload/Download/Delete
Printed: Processing > Documents > Custom Contribution Statements
Emailed: Processing > Contribution Statement Email
Watch the Webinar to get started:
Custom Contribution Statements Webinar (30 minutes)
Send a Simple Email with Year to Date total
If you want to send a simple email thanking your donor for their Total Giving without including an itemized statement, DonorSnap can help!
Build reports in DataMinerPlatinum of WHO.
If you want to send an email to everyone who gave in a specific year, regardless of how much they gave or what they gave you, build a Contact report (on the DataExport tab), and use the DonationAmountYTD field. Here is the criteria you need:
DataExport: Contact > Active Only (scroll down a bit)
FieldExport: Pull out any fields you will want to use for your letter, such as Salutation, DonationAmountYTD, Email, LabelLines (if mailing a letter)
Query: DonationAmountYTD >= 1.00
If you want to send an email to everyone who gave BUT you need to specify what donations to include your criteria would look more like this (customize to your needs):
DataExport: Donation > Summary (scroll down a bit to select this) > Active Only
FieldExport: Pull out any fields you will want to use for your letter, such as Salutation, (SUM)DonationAmount, Email, LabelLines (if mailing a letter)
DonationDate BETWEEN 1/1/2024 AND 1/31/2024
AND DonationType != Grant (!= means does NOT equal)
AND DonationType != InKind
AND DonationType != MatchingGift
If you want to send an email to those with an email address, and print the rest, you would need TWO reports: Donors with an Email, DonorSnap without
On their query you’ll need to add a line for:
Donors with an email: Email != leave it blank (remove the zero)
Donors without an email: Email = leave it blank

Send Email
Create a new email under Processing > Mass Email Campaign
(Watch the Overview Videos OR Mass Email Campaign Webinar, 30 minutes)

Send a Simple Letter with Year to Date Total
If you want to send a simple letter thanking your donor for their Total Giving without including an itemized statement, we can do that too, using the Custom Contribution Statements System.
Of course, if you build your report in DataMinerPlatinum of WHO, you can always export that report to Excel and then use it to merge with a letter. Maybe something fancy you are sending to a mailhouse to print. The report in DataMinerPlatinum will give you the address list and the mail merge fields (that year to date total) you’ll need.
But the Custom Contribution Statement system is even easier. All you have to change is your logo, insert a letter – if you want, and upload it. You can use the same letter year after year!

Once downloaded to your computer, update with your logo and personal information, type in your letter.
Do not delete the red fields at the top and the Period TimeFrame because those are needed to properly run the letter.
Upload your letter under Processing > Documents > Upload/Download/Delete
Make sure to change the drop-down at the top from Acknowledgement to Custom Contribution Statement system.
Now, run your letters.
Processing > Documents > Custom Contribution Statements
Enter the date range you want. Exclude different types of Donations. If you need to, limit it with a DataMinerPlatinum batch.
At the bottom, generate PDFs or Word documents of your letters.
This system also generates Mailing Labels right here!