In Kind Donations

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In kind donations are donations of goods and services rather than cash donations.

Learn more about in kind donations on our blog: In Kind Donations: A Complete Guide

How to track InKind donations in DonorSnap

Like all data entered in DonorSnap, it all depends on the type of reports you need in the end. Each organization handles things differently, so it’s important to speak with your accounting staff and your board about how to handle these special circumstances. 

Create a Donation Type of “In Kind,” “InKind,” or “In-Kind”
(Maintenance > Site Setup > Field and Screen Customization > DonorSnap Site Lookups).

Donation Amount Field:

Option 1: Some organizations will put the value of the donated item in the Amount field. This way it is easy to run a Reports > DonationActivity  report with the amounts donated.

However, doing it this way, DonorSnap treats them the same as financial donations. It is important that when running financial reports to EXCLUDE the InKind, so your income is not thrown off. 

Option 2: Most organizations will put a zero in the Amount field and reference the value solely in the comments, more as a reference for your internal office: for example, “Donated $300 worth of Mens shoes”

All reports will generate the Comments field, so these amounts can be included on excel exports and end of year tax statements. 

Option 3: You can always add more fields to DonorSnap, to track the information your organization requires. Some organizations will add fields for “Fair Market Value” (a money field), InKind Description (large text box), larger organizations like food pantries and thrift stores will have drop-down options for types of InKind. All of this can be customized by you, to your needs. 

Add fields under Maintenance > Site Setup > Field & Screen Customization > User Defined Setup, and more information here

Do not use the Value Received Field for
In Kind Donations

The Value Received field is NOT for tracking inkind donations. It is something completely opposite; the value the donor receives in return for their donation. For example, the value of an event ticket they purchase; the value of a book; the value of a membership. 

Related Pages

DonorSnap Blog – In Kind Donations: A Complete Guide
How to Customize System Dropdown Fields 

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