Standard Reports Listing
DonorSnap has numerous standard (or “canned” reports) built in. Most reports can be customized, filtered, saved and downloaded in a variety of forms.
Report |
Report Description |
DataMiner Gold | DMG is a query builder that exports contacts to Excel. It is limited in the fields it can query on and export. |
DataMiner Platinum | DMP is a query builder that exports records of all types to Excel. Build custom reports on all available fields within DonorSnap. |
Contact Profile | Contact Profiles will generate a one-page profile overview per contact. Choose to include contact information, giving history totals, and other activity history. |
Donations Received (Detail) | The Donations Received report shows the donations made within a time period. This is your go-to report of what payments have been made. |
Donations Received Summary | The Donations Received Summary report shows the donors and a summary of their total giving within a time period. |
Contribution Statements | Contribution Statements will print one statement per donor, with a listing of their itemized giving within a time period. This report is often called a tax statement or year-end statement. |
Non-Giving | The Non-Giving shows donors who have NOT given to the particular campaign or appeal selected by the filters. |
Contact Type Donated | The Contact Type Donated report shows a breakdown of all contact types (Individual, Business, Foundation, etc.) and the totals given by each type. Exporting this report will include the detailed records of all donations in the time period. |
Top Donors | The Top Donors report shows the specified number of donor records ranked by their giving totals. If there is a tie for an amount, there will be a T preceding the rank number. A tie in the last slot will result in more donors than the specified number. |
Pledge Activity – Giving | The Pledge Giving report shows all one-time donations and pledge payments to particular campaigns or appeals. |
Pledge Aging | The Pledge Aging report shows all pledges and their current payment status. Outstanding pledges are listed in categories of 30, 60, and 90 days late. |
Pledge Forecasting | The Pledge Forecasting report shows the expected future payments for all pledges. |
Tickler Items by Date | The Tickler report shows all Ticker calendar reminders either completed or outstanding within a time period. |
Alpha Contact List | The Alpha Contact list shows all contact names, phone numbers, and email. |
Alpha Mailing List | The Alpha Mailing list shows all contact names, addresses, and label lines. |
Contact Last Updated | The Contact Last Updated report helps to see if anything has been updated in a record. To find contacts with no records of a specific type, check only the date for that record type and choose a date prior to your database setup. If checking multiple records types, the results will include only those that meet ALL of the criteria selected. |
Comparative Donation by Donor | The Comparative Donation by Donor report shows the total giving per contact in two time periods. |
Comparative Donation by ContactType | The Comparative Donation by Contact Type report shows the total giving by Contact Type (Individual, Business, etc.) in two time periods. |
Fundraising by Appeal | The Fundraising by Appeal report lists summary payment information categorized by appeal (Total donations, # of Donations, Average, Minimum, and Maximum) |
Fundraising by Campaign | The Fundraising by Campaign report lists summary payment information categorized by campaign. (Total donations, # of Donations, Average, Minimum, and Maximum) |
Donations Strata | The Donation Strata report breaks down giving history into giving levels (e.g. those that have given $5K or more, between $1K – $5K, etc.) |
Periodic Comparison | The Periodic Comparison is an export to Excel showing giving history over multiple time periods. It can be categorized by contact, campaign, appeal, etc. |
Donation Field Comparison | The Donation Field Comparison report is an export to Excel analyzing how donations were attributed during one time period. Select which donation field to show in the columns of your spreadsheet using the Grouping field. Show the total amount given to that option and the count of the number of donations that make up that total donation amount. Select what shows in the rows (contact, campaign, appeal, etc.) using the Segmented By field. |
Donor Retention | The Donor Retention report compares two time periods and calculates the percentage of retained donors (# of donors who gave in both periods divided by the total number of donors in period 1). |
LYBUNT | The LYBUNT (Donors that gave Last Year but not This Year) report shows lapsed donors that have given in a previous time period but not since. It also includes information about their last donation. |
New Donors | The New Donors report shows first-time donors within a time period and information about their first payment. |
Interaction Detail by Type | The Interaction report shows all interaction records sorted by type within a time period. |
Volunteer by Event Code | The Volunteer report shows all volunteer hours sorted by Event Code within a time period. |
Notes | The Notes report shows all notes within a time period. |
Affiliated | The Affiliated report shows all affiliated relationships (for example, who are listed as “parents” and subsequent “Child” relationships). |
Master List | The Master List shows all options underneath the black DonorSnap fields (for example, all options under Appeal and Campaign). |
Duplicates | The Duplicates report searches for potential duplicate contacts in your database. It will show all duplicates found and the ContactIPK (Record number) for further research or for use in the Contact Merge tool. |
Text Opt-Out/In | The Text Opt-Out/In report shows you all of the phone numbers that have replied “STOP” to opt out and will no longer receive your text messages. It will also show the ones that have restarted by texting “START” to your number. |
Text Messages Undelivered | The Text Messages Undelivered report shows the text messages that were attempted, but failed for some reason. It will include the error code in order to troubleshoot why it failed. |