QuickStart Guide & Glossary

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Download a 30page printable QuickStart Guide to walk through the Dashboard, the Database, Set Up, Mass Entry and uploading your Acknowledgement letters from Word.

Download a 13page printable Glossary of all DonorSnap fields and features.

Contact Fields Glossary

Contact Tab Field NameDefinition
AccountingCodeSet the default that ALL donations coming in from this Contact will automatically set the Accounting Code (such as All donations go in the General Fund, or a particular restricted program)
AcknowledgementFormal Mailing.  Auto-generates from First/Last 1 & 2
ActiveAs defined by your organization, typically Active donors.
Address1First line of the address.
Address22nd line of the address
Address33rd line of the address
AnonymousCheck this box if ALL donations by this Contact will automatically be set as “anonymous”
CellA text box for the contact’s Cell phone
CityA text box for the contact’s City
CompanyIF the donor is a Business/Organization/Foundation, etc. this is the name of that Business
ContactAttributesRoles & Relationships, including Board Member, Prospective Donor, Volunteer
ContactAttributes2Roles & Relationships, including Board Member, Prospective Donor, Volunteer for the 2nd name in the contact record
ContactBirthDateContact’s birthdate in 5/15/1960 format
ContactBirthDate22nd Contact’s birthdate in 5/15/1960 format
ContactBirthdayContact’s birthday in 5/14 format (no year)
ContactBirthday22nd Contact’s birthday in 5/14 format (no year)
ContactCommentsA text box to add Comments to the contact tab. 
ContactDateAddedA System field for the date the contact was added. Cannot be modified by the user. 
ContactDeceasedCheck this box to indicate that the Contact is deceased (also Un-check the Active box)
ContactEmployerIf the contact is an Individual, this is where they work
ContactEmployer2Employer of the 2nd name in the contact record
ContactFacebookA text box available to enter their Facebook address
ContactIPKThe number assigned to your contact. Cannot be modified by the user. 
ContactJobTitleAt work job title, such as VP of Operations, Sales Manager, etc. 
ContactJobTitle2At work job title, such as VP of Operations, Sales Manager, etc. for the 2nd name in the contact record
ContactLastUpdateda DonorSnap system field for when the contact was last updated. Can be pulled in to the Grid, the Page layout, and DMP reports. Cannot be modified by the user. 
ContactLastUpdatedBya DonorSnap system field tracking which user last updated the Contact. Can be pulled in to the Grid, the Page layout, and DMP reports. Cannot be modified by the user. 
ContactLinkedInA text box available to enter their LinkedIn address
ContactMailCodesMailing preferences (Do not mail, Do not contact, No email, Bad address)
ContactTwitterA text box available to enter their Twitter address
ContactTypeConstituent type: Individual, Business, Foundation, etc. 
ContactWebsiteA text box to enter the contact’s Web Address
CountryLook-up for Countries. This field is empty to begin with
DefaultIsAcknowledgedContact does not want Thank you letters. By checking this box you are indicating that ALL donations will be, by default, marked as “Acknowledged” which means they will not generate in the queue for Thank you letters to print
DefaultSortByA System field used to sort contacts on the Grid.
DonationAmount2YearsAgoAutomatic field: Donation amount 2 years ago
DonationAmount2YearsAgoTaxDeductibleAutomatic field: Donation amount 2 years ago MINUS the value received = tax deductible amount 2 years ago
DonationAmount3YearsAgoAutomatic field: Donation amount 3 years ago
DonationAmount3YearsAgoTaxDeductibleAutomatic field: Donation amount 3 years ago MINUS the value received = tax deductible amount 3 years ago
DonationAmount4YearsAgoAutomatic field: Donation amount 4 years ago
DonationAmount4YearsAgoTaxDeductibleAutomatic field: Donation amount 4 years ago MINUS the value received = tax deductible amount 4 years ago
DonationAmount5YearsAgoAutomatic field: Donation amount 5 years ago
DonationAmount5YearsAgoTaxDeductibleAutomatic field: Donation amount 5 years ago MINUS the value received = tax deductible amount 5 years ago
DonationAmountFirstAutomatic field: Amount of First payment
DonationAmountLastAutomatic field: Amount of Last payment
DonationAmountLTDAutomatic field: Lifetime to Date payment total
DonationAmountLTDTaxDeductibleAutomatic field: Lifetime to Date payments MINUS value received = Lifetime tax deductible amount
DonationAmountMaxAutomatic field: the Largest (maximum) payment given in their lifetime
DonationAmountPriorYearAutomatic field: Payment total last year
DonationAmountPriorYearTaxDeductibleAutomatic field: Payment total last year MINUS value received = Tax Deductible for last year
DonationAmountYTDAutomatic field: Year to Date payment amount
DonationAmountYTDTaxDeductibleAutomatic field: Year to Date payment amount MINUS the value received = tax deductible amount
DonationDateFirstAutomatic field: Date of First payment
DonationDateLastAutomatic field: Date of Last payment
DonationDateMaxAutomatic field: Date of the Largest payment in their lifetime
DoNotEMail*Not to be confused with the Do Not Email option underneath the MailCodes field, this checkbox can be used to indicate they Do Not want emails through the Email PDF Acknowledgement System. Does not affect other email systems in DonorSnap.
EMailA text box for the email address
EMail2A text box for a second email address
Envelope1Envelope Line 1 automatically generates, pulling First Name 1 & Last Name 1. 
Envelope2Automatically generates, pulling First Name 2 & Last Name 2. 
FaxA text box available to enter their fax #
FirstFirst Name of the first contact in the record. Often combined spouses with the same last name “John and Mary ”
First2First name of 2nd contact in the record
ImportKeyThe number used to initially import your contacts. Can be visible on the grid, page layout, and DMP reports. Cannot be modified by the user. 
LabelLine1LabelLines are automatically generated by DonorSnap to help with mail merge. 
LabelLine2If a business, Line 1 is Company, Line 2 is Acknowledgement, 3 is Address, 4 city etc. 
LabelLine3If an individual, Line 1 is Acknowledgement, 2 is address, etc. 
LabelLine4Customize how your LabelLines generate under Maintenance > Site Setup
LastLast name of the first contact
Last2Last name of the 2nd contact
MiddleMiddle name of the 1st contact
Middle2Middle name of the 2nd contact
NameOverrideSystem field. On the Contact tab, check the box to Override the Acknowledgement and Salutation fields, to customize as needed
NCOAScreeningIf you had an NCOA screening, this is the result that returned from the USPS
NCOAScreeningDateDate of your last NCOA Screening with the USPS
OptInDateFor organizations under the GDPR regulations, this field tracks the date a user opted in to allowing their data to be tracked in your system
OptInMethodFor organizations under the GDPR regulations, this field tracks how the user opted in
OrganizationContactThe board members or key staff members assigned to a contact, aka, the Solicitor
OriginationDateDate the contact was added to DonorSnap (will auto-fill today’s date when adding a new contact). Is often the date of import, if DonorSnap imported your database
PhoneA text box for phone number
PreferredAddressTypeHome, Business, Secondary, etc. 
QBCustomerCodeUsed to connect a contact with your QuickBooks account
QBCustomerCodeValidDateThe date the QBCUstomer field was last validated
SalutationNick Names, the “Dear” line of a letter.  Auto-generates from First 1 & 2
SeasonalEndDateIf you are tracking Seasonal addresses, you can enter Start & End Dates for when DonorSnap will switch between seasonal addresses. These Start & End dates are on both the Contact tab and the Address tab. 
SeasonalStartDateIf you are tracking Seasonal addresses, you can enter Start & End Dates for when DonorSnap will switch between seasonal addresses. These Start & End dates are on both the Contact tab and the Address tab. 
State/ProvinceLook-up for American states. Does not come pre-installed with Canadian Provinces. 
Suffix2Jr., etc., for the 2nd name in the contact record
TitleMailing title, Mr., Mrs., Rev., Pastor, Mr. & Mrs
Title2Mailing title, Mr., Mrs., Rev., Pastor, Mr. & Mrs of the second name in the contact record
WorkPhoneA text box for Work phone number
Zip/Postal CodeA text box for Zip or Postal Code
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