Mass Entry Tool (mass enter Donations, Interactions, Volunteer hours)
The Mass Entry tool is useful for quickly typing in a group of similar donations, interactions, or volunteer hours at one time. Set up the batch with defaults for the fields that each of these records will have in common. Next select the contact to create one of these records for. When you are finished selecting your contacts, post the entire batch to DonorSnap at one time.
If you are looking for information on importing a spreadsheet of donations, click here.
Listing Tab
Create new data entry forms on this tab. Click the Add New Mass Entry Listing button and then select the type of record you would like to create. Give it a name and click the Insert button to create it.
On this tab you can also Inactivate a mass entry form you no longer need. This will hide it from the default view, but all the records created using it will be unaffected. To view inactive data entry forms, toggle the Status field in the upper right to choose All or Inactive Only.
Fields Tab

Once you’ve set up the fields of your Mass Entry as needed, use the Data-Entry tab to start entering!
Choose your contact by searching for First, Last, or Company name.
Click the blue New Contact button to add a brand new Contact. Once you save the contact, it will be the Contact you’re adding the payment for.
Click the Add button when you’re finished with that entry; the addition will appear at the bottom of the screen and your cursor is read back at the Contact field to search for the next submission.
Click Post at the bottom to post all entries in bulk.
Posted Data Entered

Use the Fields tab to design the data-entry form.
Drag unwanted fields over to the left side.
Drag fields up and down to re-order fields (remember on the data-entry screen, you can TAB through the fields so put them in order that makes the best sense to your data entry team).
Required: Make fields Required to submit form
Default Value: Set a default value – for example, if you create a mass entry for the Golf Tournament, all payments through this process will have certain set crtieria, such as DonationType = Event Registration and Appeal = Golf Tournament.
Hidden: If you set a default value for a field, you can now Hide the field from the data-entry page. Information will still be submitted to DonorSnap.
Auto-Copy: Auto-copy information from one submission to the next. For example, Payment Method is a good one for this field. Enter your first payment and define “Check”. The next payment will have Check copied in to the Payment Method field.
Data-Entry Tab