Constant Contact

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DonorSnap is directly integrated with Constant Contact. The integration allows you to build email lists using DataMiner Platinum and send them to Constant Contact, where you will create your email and send it.
A valid Constant Contact subscription is required to use this integration. Here are the steps to get started:

  1. Set up a Constant Contact account (only if you do not already have a Constant Contact account).
  2. Enter your account details into DonorSnap under Maintenance > Site Setup > Integrations > Constant Contact.
  3. Create a DataMiner Platinum query that generates a list of contacts you would like to send to CC.
  4. Send your list under Processing > Constant Contact

Constant Contact Setup

Enter your Constant Contact information or create a NEW Constant Contact account under Maintenance > Site Setup > Integrations > Constant Contact.

Create a List

Create your Lists of emails in Reports > DataMinerPlatinum

Sending Data

Best Practices

Ideally all of your contacts will be stored and kept up to date in DonorSnap. Constant Contact also maintains a database, but we should assume that DonorSnap will contain the most up to date information.

If you have multiple types of emails that you send out, create those email preferences using the system “Mail Codes” field or user defined fields (such as a “mailing lists” field on your Contact tab. Add this under Maintenance > Site-Setup > User Defined Setup).

You can also use a Responsive Form on your website to allow contacts to update their email preferences and sign up new contacts for your emails.

If you are using the Constant Contact email sign-up button on your website, keep those contacts in a separate list on Constant Contact. You can always send an email to multiple lists and CC is smart enough to not send duplicate emails to the same email address. By keeping them in separate lists, you won’t wipe out any signups by replacing a list through DonorSnap.

When you are ready to send out an email, replace the appropriate list in Constant Contact each time, updating your current list with all changes that have happened in DS since your last email last.

When someone unsubscribes (is added to the Do Not Mail list), Constant Contact keeps them on record. We recommend setting up your Constant Contact to email you a list of all of the people that unsubscribe so that you can update any contact data, notes, or other systems you have set up as needed. Unsubscribers from Constant Contact will not automatically be updated in DonorSnap.

Constant Contact automatically sends back all unsubscribe data to DonorSnap on the back side, when a “push” is being performed. These emails are also displayed in red to alert you that they are on the do not mail list. To see a list of all contacts on the do not mail list, go to Processing > Constant Contact and click on the last tab Constant Contact’ Contacts. Click Pull Data From CC to update the data and then you can filter based on their mailing status.

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