Responsive Forms – Registered Users (Show Registration & Guest Login)
Online Forms > Registered Users for your Standard and Responsive Forms
Video Outline
- Allow users to Register with an email & password for repeat form submission
- Customize or Edit each form submission as they come in under Online Forms – Processing – Open Records
- Edit existing Registered Users and the contact they are linked to in your database under Online Forms – Registered Users.
When using Online Forms you have three options for how your visitors will access them. These are all controlled on the Settings tab of your form. “Show Registration Form” and “Allow Guest Login”.
- Don’t show registration form (guest only)
- Don’t allow guest login (registered users only)
- Allow guest login (guest and registered users)
1) Guest only (unchecking the “Show Registration Form): This will provide the most streamlined interface for the visitor. They will go straight to the form without any other steps having to be completed. Consequently, it will require the most amount of work on your part as each submission will need to be manually linked to the appropriate contact (if the contact already exists in your database).
2) Registered Users only (uncheck “Allow Guest Login” and check “Show Registration Form”): This will be the most work for your users up front, but upon returning, it could be less work. Their current contact information will be pre-loaded into the form automatically after logging in. The will be required to create an account with an email address and password. This will be the least amount of work on your end, because once you process their record the first time and link them to the correct contact (or bring them in as a new contact), all future submissions will be automatically linked to the appropriate contact in your database.
3) Guests and Registered Users (both boxes checked): This will be a combination of the two choices above. There will be a registration page before the form is displayed, but they will be given the option to continue as Guest.
Each of the above has it’s pros and cons, so it will depend on your situation, and how much work you are willing to put in on your end. If visitors will be returning often, you will probably want to allow registered users only. If you are trying to receive donations from new one-time only donors, you would probably want to use the guest only method.