Name Resolution Override
Community Tab > Name Resolution Override
DonorSnap creates mail-merge fields (Acknowledgement and Salutation) to help you with your documents and labels. These fields will be calculated automatically as you add a new contact.
To customize the information in the Acknowledgement and Salutation field, check the Name Resolution Override box.
The Acknowledgement field will show on Dashboard Apps, the Contribution Statement, and is part of DonorSnap’s LabelLines.
Here is the formula for how DonorSnap generates each of these fields:
Salutation – First Name 1 + “and” + First Name 2
Typically the “Dear X” line of a letter; and informal salutation; Nicknames
Acknowledgment – Title 1 + First Name 1 + Middle Name 1 + Last Name 1 + “&” + Title 2 + First Name 2 + Middle Name 2 + Last Name 2
Typically the Formal mailing label on the outside of an envelope. How the couple wants to be addressed.
Envelope Line 1 – Title 1 + First Name 1 + Middle Name 1 + Last Name 1
To do a mailing to only the First contact in a record
Envelope Line 2 – Title 2 + First Name 2 + Middle Name 2 + Last Name 2
To do a mailing to only the Second contact in a record