Matching Gifts
Tracking matching contributions is very similar to tracking soft credits. First create a Donation Type of “Matching Gift”
Maintenance > Site Setup > Field & Screen Customization > DonorSnap Site Lookups
- When the employee makes a contribution, record a normal donation.
- When the matching check is received from the employer, add a donation type of Matching Gift.
- Use the comments box to denote which employee was the original donor.
This helps you look at the employers record and know if they are a supporter of your organization or if the support is solely coming though a matching employee program.
Nancy, donor, will first make a DonationType = Donation
THEN the Matching company will make their DonationType = Matching Gift, maybe a comment indicating towards “Nancy Thompson”
Some organizations will also take a 3rd step to add to Nancy’s record, amount and DonationType = Soft Credit, comments of that Matching Company.