Form Totals in Responsive Forms Training Webinar

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Create a shopping cart like experience in your Responsive Forms by summing the dollar amounts from multiple fields. Example scenarios include collecting an “Additional Donation” amount on any donation form, offering multiple types of tickets for sale at different prices, or add-on costs like parking or advertising.

This training also covers the split donations feature after loading an open record into your database. This is helpful for a Responsive Form submission that collects two types of donations in one transaction.

Click here for written information on adding fields with pre-defined drop-down amounts. 

Quick Recap

The trainer led a webinar on creating dropdown menus linked to amounts for processing online donations in DonorSnap, and demonstrated how to add new fields and manage form fields in the system. She also discussed the complexities of using forms for sponsorship, tickets, donations, and membership, emphasizing the need for manual splitting and accounting code adjustment due to potential tax implications. Lastly, she highlighted the importance of accurately accounting for all transactions made by a sponsor, even if they seem to be a single transaction.

Training Summary

Creating Dropdown Menus Linked to Amounts
The trainer led a webinar on how to create dropdown menus linked to amounts for online donations in DonorSnap. She detailed the process of building these dropdowns, including assigning values to each option, and discussed troubleshooting potentially complex scenarios.

Adding “Number of Tickets” Field to DonorSnap
The trainer detailed the process of adding a new “Number of tickets” field to the DonorSnap program. She demonstrated how to integrate the new field into the online forms, emphasizing the importance of building all possible choices for the dropdown and assigning a dollar amount to each option. The trainer also showed how to make the field required and link it to a dollar amount, and how to add an ‘additional donation’ field to the form. She clarified that other field types, such as text boxes and yes/no checkbox fields, are not suitable for representing money values.

Managing Form Fields and Options
The trainer explained the process of creating and managing form fields in the system. She demonstrated how to create a dropdown menu with custom options, and how to link these options to specific values. As an example, she showed how to build a sponsorship level field, with options like ‘Bronze’, ‘Silver’, ‘Gold’, and ‘Platinum’, and how to assign specific values to each option. The trainer emphasized that the same field can be used for different events. She also mentioned that the order of the options can be changed, and that certain options can be hidden or made required.

Creating New Donation Form Field
The trainer discussed the creation of a new donation form field. She explained that the field, named “predefined donation amount,” is a dropdown with predefined donation amounts such as $50 and $100, but you can change those to whatever fits your needs. She also mentioned the need for an additional “other” option for donors to input their own donation amounts. The trainer then demonstrated how to add this new field to an existing form and discussed the process of ensuring the new field is properly displayed and functional for donors.

Sponsor Donation and Tax Implications
The trainer discussed a donation made by a sponsor which totaled $600. In this example, the amount consisted of three separate transactions: sponsorship, ticket purchases, and a donation. The trainer explained that while all three transactions were made by one person, they should be accounted for separately due to potential tax implications. She acknowledged the need to accurately split the $600 for proper accounting and tax handling, even though it may seem simpler to treat it as a single transaction.

Forms Complexities and Automation Limitations
The trainer discussed the complexities of using forms for sponsorship, tickets, donations, and membership. She explained that while these forms can be used to consolidate various payments, they download as a single charge to the donor’s credit card, requiring manual splitting and accounting code adjustment. The trainer emphasized that automated solutions for this process are not available, and encouraged the team to carefully consider this when setting up their forms.

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